Aluminium Windows

Aluminium windows are virtually maintenance-free and offer a quality, durable solution in many different styles. Our windows come with the latest high security locking systems as standard. They are designed to reduce heat loss by using a thermally broken aluminium frame with a polyamide bridge, thus making them a leading choice for your next project. At BSF Group, we specialise in the manufacture and installation of high-grade aluminium window systems as part of an approved national supplier network of Comar, Schuco and Reynaers systems. Each of these well-respected industry leaders is at the forefront of product and system development.

Aluminium Windows

Comar 5P.i Eco+ Windows

Comar 5P.i Eco+ window range is a casement window system, which has been designed to offer an ECO-friendly and ECO-nomical solution for the homeowner or light commercial projects. Comar 5P.i ECO+ offers a future proof solution with increased thermal performance than the Comar 5P.i ECO range.

Aluminium Windows

Comar 5P.i Advanced Windows

Comar 5P.i Advanced window system uses the latest thermal break technology to produce windows for the next generation. Based on the thermal technology of our Comar 9P.i System, we have launched a new 5P.i Advanced casement & tilt/turn window system. These windows offer leading U-value and slim sight line performance.

Aluminium Windows

Schucho AWS70 Windows

Schuco AWS 70 windows combine style and technology to produce a window system that delivers to exacting modern standards while adding a visual highlight to any construction.

Aluminium Windows

Reynaers Slim Line Series

Despite their slimline tag and elegant look, Reynaers’ aluminium window systems are highly insulated and tough, making an ideal solution both for modern architecture and for refurbishing steel-framed windows.

Aluminium Windows

Comar 9P.i Windows

Comar 9P.i High Performance Window, Doors & Framing, offers a truly integrated solution with low U-values and fast-track fabrication & installation. Comar 9P.i is a 80mm, 100mm, 120mm mitre or ladder frame system.

Aluminium Windows

Comar 5P.i Sash Windows

Comar 5P.i Vertical Sliding Window System (VSW) is the latest addition to the trademarked P.i polyamide insulation suite. P.i provides the assurance of low U-values with its energy efficient thermally broken profiles. As with all the P.i suite you can rely on project-by-project U-values to support your calculations.